
Standing Committees

Awards and Scholarship Committee

Chair - LaToya T. Jeter

The Awards and Scholarship Committee handles all matters pertaining to the solicitation of nominees, selection of recipients, purchase of awards, background checks on scholarship nominees, and all matters concerning awards and scholarships.

Budget Committee

The Budget Committee prepares the annual budget for the Association.

Bylaws Committee

Bylaws Committee shall handle all matters and conduct all processes relating to the revision and amendment of the Association’s Bylaws and shall promote enforcement of same.

Continuing Legal Education Committee

The Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Committee conducts all CLE programs of the Association.

Courtesy Committee

The Courtesy Committee provides a memorial service at each annual meeting to memorialize those members of the Association who have died in the past year and shall administer the extension of courtesy to members and their families.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee actively solicits new members, develops programs for membership retention, coordinates activities for the members and provides a speakers’ bureau for the Association.

Publicity Committee

 The Publicity Committee chronicles the activities of the Association in an orderly and timely manner, which will become a permanent part of the Association’s official history; compiles, edits, types and disseminates news releases and Association newsletters or new e-lerts; and provides updates on changes in the law and establishes contact with local media.

Technology Committee
Chair - Rafael R. Green, Esq.

The Technology Committee shall address technology issues throughout the Association, maintain the website and other communication mediums, and provide a strategic direction to the members on the effective utilization of technology to increase communication and connection throughout Association.

Ad Hoc Committees
  • Legislative Committee
  • History
  • Law School Relations
  • Tougaloo College 
  • Justice Taskforce
  • Judicial Symposium
  • Restoration Day
  • Voter Registration/Education