
Seirra Williams, Esq. - President 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best when he said that “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” The Magnolia Bar Association was founded in 1955 because Black citizens prior to and in the year of 1955 were barred from attending law schools, public or private, in the state of Mississippi. Black citizens in Mississippi who desired to study law were compelled to leave Mississippi to obtain legal training, study in law offices under the supervision of practicing attorneys or resort to self-study. The conditions and hardships endured by Black lawyers in the courts led to the creation of the Magnolia Bar Association.


Today, the Magnolia Bar Association has a membership of over a hundred Black lawyers, some who are serving as federal and state judges, others who are government attorneys, and many who are engaged in the private practice of law. We pay homage to those who started this organization and we applaud their efforts to balance the scales of justice. The Association is still committed to righting wrongs and being a voice for the voiceless. We are an association of attorneys who believe that we are the change we want to see in the world and we are committed to making our state a better place for all Mississippians. 


On this site you may join the Magnolia Bar Association, see current and upcoming community events we are planning or of which we are actively involved, acquaint yourself with our board members, see contact information, and much more. This is our way of availing ourselves to our community because, as we began, we remain an organization of service, seeking justice.

John Hall, Esq. - President Elect

Monica McNeely, Esq. - Immediate Past 

Jimmy Wilkins, Esq. - Treasurer 

Ray Gustavis, Esq. - Secretary

Neshondria Ellerby, Esq. - Assistant Secretary

Amorya Orr, Esq. - Parliamentarian 


Northeastern District Directors 

Robin Brown, Esq. 

Keveon Taylor, Esq.


Northwest District Directors 

Ja’Nekia Barton, Esq. 

Juan T. Williams, Esq. 


Central District Directors

Kevin Bass, Esq.

Tammye Brown, Esq. 

Southwest District Directors

India Sprinkle, Esq. 

Shundral Cole, Esq. 


Southeast District Directors 

Kiara Taite, Esq. 

Ashley McKnight, Esq.

Magnolia Bar Foundation 

Katrina S. Brown, Esq. - President